Saturday, September 27, 2008


Back off fellas....she still has a few more years before she can date, and you will have to go through daddy first. And just for the record he is big guy...I've met him! ha Ms Alison is participating in the Children's Portrait Contest along with her two sisters. Luckily they are all in different age groups so there will be no friendly family competition going on; although, they all reassured me that they each were the cute one in the family. hehe Alison is in the 10-12 age group and rockin' it!


Meet Natalie....#2 of the 3 sisters and is competing in the 7-9 age group for the contest. This young lady is so down to Earth. She loves trees, rocks, bugs, dirt, and even caught me a little frog! I will admit the frog kind of reminded me of a bug and I totally jumped when Kermit came flying out of her hands. I know I'm a big wuss, but I had to share a picture of him! ha Ms Natalie you are a brave soul.

Here is Kermit...the scary frog...except he's actually kind of! ha


Awww...and then there was 3. Ms Jaleigh along with her sisters is competing in the contest and is in the 4-6 age group. She was hilarious! Jaliegh had some poses of her own she wanted to share, but after I snapped the first one she always asked me "How many more?" Good thing she is photogenic cause I only got about 3 shots for each pose! haha A special "Thanks" to Kris and Scott for allowing their adorable daughters compete in the contest. Enjoy your sneak peaks!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ms Kelsey

Have I ever said how much I love my job? I have so much fun going to new places and taking pictures of new faces....especially when they make my job look so easy! Kelsey is in the Children's Portrait Contest and is in the 7-9 age group. She was so ready for her shoot and had her poses down and even brought some really cute accessories. I was told by her Aunt Christy how excited Kelsey was and that she was ready for her "close up". She was such a natural in front of the camera and I think she had as much fun as I did during her shoot. A special "Thanks" to her parents and Aunt Christy for allowing Kelsey to participate in the contest. Enjoy your sneak peak!

Monday, September 22, 2008


How handsome is this little guy? I bet all the girls are chasing him around on recess. Michael was so much fun to shoot. He cracked me up when he was worried how his hair looked in the pictures. I guess its never to early to be in style!! No worries Michael, you look totally cool in your pictures! A special "Thanks" to his mother Jamie for allowing me to take pictures of her handsome boy.

Ms Kaylei

Look out Hollywood Ms. Kaylei is the next big thing!! Kaylei is participating in the Children's Portrait Contest and is in the 10-12 age group. She was so much fun to shoot and is absoultey a natural when it comes to the camera. She made my job so easy that I even had time to shoot a couple pictures with her brother Michael. Thank you Jami for allowing Kaylei and Michael to participate in the contest. Enjoy the sneak peak!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Meet Emma...another participate in the Children's Portrait Contest and is also in the 1-3 age group. This competition is loaded with adorable children which makes me grateful that I am not the one judging! ha I had so much fun shooting pictures of Emma even though she is not a fan of the camera....or maybe she just wasn't a fan of me? LOL I was still able to get some great shots of her. How could you not? She is such a doll! A special "Thanks" to her parents Cory and Jenny for allowing her to participate in the contest and being so helpful at the shoot! Enjoy your sneak peak!

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Guffey Family

I know Kris is a blog stalker of mine (and I mean that in a good way, ha) and that she has been anxiously waiting for her long overdue sneak peak of her beautiful family. Thank you for always taking the challenge to be my geniu pigs when I have random ideas in my head for pictures! ha Enjoy your sneak peak!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cody & Aaron

Meet Cody and Aaron, two brothers that are both participating in the Children's Portrait Contest and both are in the 1-3 age group. I sense a little friendly family competition, except its no contest...they are both a 10 on the cuteness factor. One thing is for sure, they are both All Boy! I had a hard time getting them interested in having their pictures taken. They were both way more interested in playing in the dirt, throwing rocks, and running from me! I think I'm scary or something! ha A special "Thanks" to their mom, Brandy, for allowing them to be a part of the contest and suggesting a really cool place to take pictures! I had a lot of fun!

Daddy's Little Soldier

I had the privilege to shoot pictures of a little soldier last week….well that is….Daddy’s little soldier. And of all days to shoot….these pictures were taken on 9-11. Dad is stationed overseas in Korea right now and from what I heard, has been waiting patiently to see his daughter’s sneak peak since before the photo shoot had even took place. I apologize for it taking way longer than usual to post. Haley is also participating in the Children’s Portrait Contest and is in the 1-3 age group. I feel sorry for the people judging the contest….there are way too many adorable children participating! Haley was so much fun to shoot and a special “Thanks” to her mom, Nikki, for bringing so many accessories to the shoot to make it truly unique.

"I'm thinking of you, daddy."

Thank you to all our troops for their dedication and sacrifice they make for us every day.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Dads...its time to lock up your daughters because Ethan is just too adorable...and he already knows how to flirt! hehe Ethan is also a participant in my Children's Portrait Contest and is in the 1-3 year old age group. I had so much fun chasing him around the park. I found out quickly that he loves trees and he loves to pick up trash and throw it away! I guess your never too young to "Go Green". I'm pretty sure he is going to be an Environmentalist when he grows up! A special "Thanks" to Scott and Rachel for allowing Ethan to participate in the contest. Enjoy your sneak peak!

and sometimes when you run away from me I can still turn up a decent picture! Future football star coming through!