Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ms Kelsey
Monday, September 22, 2008
Ms Kaylei
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Meet Emma...another participate in the Children's Portrait Contest and is also in the 1-3 age group. This competition is loaded with adorable children which makes me grateful that I am not the one judging! ha I had so much fun shooting pictures of Emma even though she is not a fan of the camera....or maybe she just wasn't a fan of me? LOL I was still able to get some great shots of her. How could you not? She is such a doll! A special "Thanks" to her parents Cory and Jenny for allowing her to participate in the contest and being so helpful at the shoot! Enjoy your sneak peak!
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Guffey Family

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cody & Aaron
Meet Cody and Aaron, two brothers that are both participating in the Children's Portrait Contest and both are in the 1-3 age group. I sense a little friendly family competition, except its no contest...they are both a 10 on the cuteness factor. One thing is for sure, they are both All Boy! I had a hard time getting them interested in having their pictures taken. They were both way more interested in playing in the dirt, throwing rocks, and running from me! I think I'm scary or something! ha A special "Thanks" to their mom, Brandy, for allowing them to be a part of the contest and suggesting a really cool place to take pictures! I had a lot of fun!
Daddy's Little Soldier

"I'm thinking of you, daddy."
Thank you to all our troops for their dedication and sacrifice they make for us every day.